4 Special Kids
Special Events

Important Info
Important Information
Please Read Carefully
Please read before registering your child for an SE4SK event:
Hello, and welcome to the SE4SK Family, as you know we are a group that organizes and hosts FREE events for children with special needs and or disabilities.
First, I will tell you a little about us, we are heading into our 8th year, I along with my 21 year old daughter Alyssia, started Special Events 4 Special Kids. We started with 1 event, our Winter Festival, 2nd year we had 2 events, 3rd year we have increased to over 7 FREE events for the kids, we are currently heading into our 8th year and scheduled to hosting over 25 events.. We run on donations and whatever fundraising we can do. We have several volunteers ( Adult and Youth) that donate their time to make all of our events a success, such as face painters, photographers, videographers, magicians and characters just to name a few.
Next, you must Pre register for all events, we like to keep our numbers low, so please do not wait, register as soon as you know you have the availability. We do fill up, then we will have a waiting list, which I do use from time to time, people sometimes have to cancel. Please make sure you cancel as soon as possible. We have had too many people register and not show up. All of our events can change at any time, being run by volunteers and donations, things can change, and we are ok with that, we will find a way to make it work don't worry.
Each event will have specific ages listed, we are open to children ages 3-17 but again each event is different, so please read all of the information before registering. We also like to have only 1 parent attend ( inside events, outside events 2 is fine) unless you need more than one parent to assist with your child, we had a family in the past that brought 6 people which included cousins and aunts, they were found putting the free food in their bags and having non SE4SK children invade our toy table, it was a mess, so we have addressed it by, limited the amount of family members to attend. If you call me to ask about bringing a grand mom or visiting family members, we can usually accommodate, but please call or text to ask. Also, no siblings are allowed unless they are special needs, if they are older and are there to assist you or your other child, please let me know and maybe we can accommodate.
We are a JUDGEMENT FREE ZONE, with that being said your child is allowed to have a meltdown or run around, we just ask that you keep an eye on them and not disappear ( believe me it has happened). Our volunteers are aware of the children we provide for, if they ever feel uncomfortable in a situation or not sure what to do, we just ask them to remove themselves from the situation, please don't take offense. We have had children who bring fidget toys, noise cancellation headphones, private nurses, therapist and weighted blankets to our events, and we are ok with this. Children have also gone into sensory overload and need a break, it's all good, we don't mind, I have NEVER had to ask a parent or a child to leave, we understand that things are different and that is ok. We also have parents that only come for 30 mins to an hour, that is all their child can handle, we are ok with that as well, we take no offense, we just want them to have fun.
Some HOUSEKEEPING you will need to sign a yearly waiver, this just says you will not hold myself, our board, volunteers or any of our donated spaces responsible if anything is to happen. We also have a picture waiver, THESE MUST BE SIGNED TO ATTEND EVENTS. Once it is signed you will not sign again until 2024, same with the participation form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to text, email or call me 856-208-7177
Again thank you for joining the SE4SK Family,
Jami Founder SE4SK
Remember to like us on Facebook for all of our updated information.
For more information, please reach us at 856 208-7177
Please Read before applying to volunteer for SE4SK:
Hi everyone, I would like to welcome you to the SE4SK Family!!!!
First, I will tell you a little about us, we are heading into our 8th year (1st event feb 2016), I along with my 21 year old daughter Alyssia and our Outstanding Board organize and host FREE events for children with special needs and or disabilities in southern NJ. We started with one event in 2016 and now we host over 25 events a year. Every event is FREE and we try to make sure the kids always leave with a gift.
As a volunteer you will receive an email before an event making you aware of what items are needed and if I need any volunteers for this event. If you want to volunteer for a specific events please do not hesitate to contact me directly. I am always open to new things, if you have a contact, (example someone who will donate a hall or a specific item) please let me know we can always make it work.
We also have youth volunteers but I ONLY accept students 9th grade and up, possibly 6th, 7th and 8th depending on the event ( parent mustbattend with the child), and yes I will type up a volunteering letter if it is needed. We appreciate all donations and any
volunteering time people give us.. Without the help of our volunteers and our sponsors we would not be able to host all these events.
As a volunteer we always ask that you wear a RED Shirt, we do provide shirts a couple times a year, when you come to an event please ask if we have any shirts in your size. We are a judgment free zone, we make sure to include each child no matter what, feel free to adapt to that child, if you are running a game, feel free to change it up so they can enjoy it as well. We have a variety of children, all different levels, it's hard to accommodate everyone, but we try our BEST!!!
I want to again thank you again for reaching out to help, if you should have any additional questions, please feel free to give me a call or text at 856-208-7177.
As of 8/1/19 All adult volunteers must have a recent background check, we currently use www.directscreening.com, these background checks will need to be done every 5 years.
And Again, Welcome to the SE4SK Family!!!!
Jami Founder SE4SK
Alyssia Co-Founder SE4SK
How SE4SK Began:
👉👉 I have had several people contact me recently and ask who is SE4SK and what do YOU DO?
🤔🤔🤔Short Version🤔🤔
We are a nonprofit 501c3 that organizes and hosts FREE events for children with special needs and or disabilities in Southern NJ. We host several events a year, thanks to our generous sponsors and volunteers!! We are always accepting new families to join, email Jami @ info@se4sk.org for more information.
🙄🙄Long Version🙄🙄
First my name is Jami, I am the mother of two typical children and one day in 2016 my daughter Alyssia and I decided to host an event for children with special needs, it was going to be a dance. We had the opportunity to host our dance at the Elks Lodge, we donated 200.00 and my daughter and I went to social media asking for donations. Friends and family were very generous. The elks lodge made a monetary donation as well. A printer donated ALL the shirts, we had about 20 kids they danced, played games, received goodie bags, won toys and had a blast.
The next year we had received a few requests to host another event, so I reached out to Brookfield Schools and they donated the space. We again went to social media with a donation list and my daughter and I enlisted some volunteers and we hosted the 2nd winter festival. In 2017 we also hosted a fall funday. Now we had to really make a decision we had a nice group of kids involved, the families were awesome and were requesting more. Could we make this commitment?
Then SE4SK WAS FORMED. We were just a small group, a mother and daughter team trying to host these events with some dedicated volunteers and some generous donators.
Each year we get bigger and host more and more events. In 2018 we hosted 10 events in 2019 we became a 501c3, established a board and got work host more events.
We would like to thank everyone who helps us. Over the last 7 years the se4sk board, my daughter, myself and our dedicated volunteers were able to host close to over 70 events, all because of one small act of kindness.
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered, donated, and supported se4sk as we head into our 8th year we are excited, excited to see the smiles on the kids and parents, excited to meet new friends and we are excited to help make people aware that one small act of kindness can really make a difference.
So when someone asks you "Who is SE4SK?"
You can read this and say we are just a group of people, encouraging others to help by volunteering and or donating their time